016A - New Testament Sabbath Proof 5. (Hebrews 4:8)

 New Testament Sabbath Proof 5. Hebrews 4:8

The book of Hebrews cleverly weaves together three themes of rest— 1. the rest promised to Israel from enemies, 2. the physical rest of the weekly Sabbath, and 3. the spiritual rest through Christ. The conclusion is that Sabbath-keeping is still necessary for the people of God, the New Testament Church.

The book of Hebrews uses creative comparisons to emphasize to its largely Jewish audience that the weekly Sabbath is a reminder of more than the fact that God was the Israelites’ Creator and the One who had delivered them from slavery in Egypt (Exodus 20:8-11Deuteronomy 5:12-15).

David (in Psalm 95) spoke of a promise of rest long after Joshua led the second generation of Israel to rest in the Promised Land. This demonstrates that the rest fulfilled at the time of Joshua was only a type of a greater rest to come (Hebrews 4:6-8).

Now we come to a controversial statement: “There remains therefore a rest for the people of God” (Hebrews 4:9).
The Greek word translated “rest” in every other verse throughout Hebrews 3 and 4 is katapausis. But the word translated “rest” in Hebrews 4:9 is sabbatismos. This is the only New Testament occurrence of this word.

The Anchor Bible Dictionary states regarding the meaning of sabbatismos:
“The author of Hebrews affirms in Heb[rews] 4:3-11, through the joining of quotations from Gen[esis] 2:2 and Ps[alm] 95:7, that the promised ‘Sabbath rest’ still anticipates a complete realization ‘for the people of God’ in the … end-time which had been inaugurated with the appearance of Jesus [Hebrews] 1:1-3

“The experience of ‘Sabbath rest’ points to a present ‘rest’ (katapausis ) reality in which those ‘who have believed are entering’ (4:3) and it points to a future ‘rest’ reality (4:11). Physical Sabbath-keeping on the part of the new covenant believer as affirmed by ‘Sabbath rest’ epitomizes cessation from ‘works’ (4:10) in commemoration of God’s rest at creation (4:4 = Gen[esis] 2:2) and manifests faith in the salvation provided by Christ.

“Heb[rews] 4:3-11 affirms that physical ‘Sabbath rest’ (sabbatismos ) is the weekly outward manifestation of the inner experience of spiritual rest ( katapausis ) in which the final … rest is … experienced already ‘today’ (4:7). Thus ‘Sabbath rest’ combines in itself creation-commemoration, salvation-experience, and eschaton [end-time]-anticipation as the community of faith moves forward toward the final consummation of total restoration and rest” (pp. 855-856).

So the Sabbath retains its 1. Old Covenant meanings that identify God’s specially sanctified people (“the people of God”) and point them back to God as Creator.

Added to that is the New Covenant meaning of 2. entering into another rest through Jesus Christ, fulfilled in type by the rest given to Israel during Joshua’s time (Hebrews 4:8).

This spiritual rest begins now in this life and 3. reaches its consummation in the resurrection to eternal life at the return of Christ (Revelation 20:6). His return also signals the beginning of the millennial rest prophesied in the Old Testament.